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Alpha 3000
Product Class:Innov-X ore analyzer

Delta SGSM (standard type) ore analyzer
One, Delta SGSM unmatched performance characteristics:
    1 high detection precision accuracy.
    (2) high stability, high repeatability.
    3 excellent linear correlation.
    4 uses a completely redesigned ray tube, no high-voltage power lines, no RF noise, better X-ray shielding.
    5 structure is more precise, shorten ray tube, the sample detector and the distance between the signal for some applications increased to 40%.
    6 The new filter wheel lighter, thinner, in position closer to the sample, with 8 filters, can be adapted to most configurations, different elements using different filters to produce the best analytical results.
    7 More than 1/3 of the body using aluminum alloy shell design, top of the instrument has a dedicated slot cooling device, the entire system so that cooling is very effective, longer machine life, X-ray analyzer work more and more stable, and thus very low failure rate.
    8.SDD X-ray detector has an amazing count rate up to 200,000, more than the ordinary Si-Pin X-ray detector's ability to obtain data 10 times higher.
    9 built-in barometer can correct air pressure, barometer pressure sensor can be adjusted according to different pressures, which is more accurate detection value, the instrument preset sea, the mountains or down to the user in a mine test again without calibration, which point is very important for the analysis of light elements.
   10 built-in accelerator can detect movement and vibrations of the instrument when not in standby, pick up time work.
   11 can be tested Mg; Al; Si; P; S and other light elements.
   12 Smart Shuttle extra seat can charge the battery while charging the internal battery and instrument displays charging progress, connection blocks can be connected to a computer to exchange data, allowing immediate standardized instrument, the instrument on standby status.
   13 instrument even in the boot state can also replace the battery and do not need to shut down, unplug the battery system is in operation, with more than 30 seconds you can insert a new battery.
   14 does not need to be standardized instrument is turned on, you can direct testing, standardization is only optional.


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